Just the Tip Ep 27: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White on the Radio 4 Plays

In this weeks episode we examine some of the current Radio 4 plays that are published and try to examine the individual stories to see if they pass the current woke authent-o-moter. Have the current commissions moved with the times? Do they want to and if so do they want to broaden their audience demographic? Traditionally they are a springboard for aspiring writers but the net has to be cast wider.

Just the Tip Ep 26: Woke Asian Guy and Egg White

Just the Tip is back in a brand new format because the last two formats were less than stellar. Instead of giving Life Wins to those with Life Woes we now take semi-topical subjects and break them down from this so called woke perspective. Who says it’s not going to be fun?

Just the Tip Ep 25: The Recently Discovered Oscar Wilde Letters

In a world exclusive and a slight break from helping people The Fuzzy Dice duo have unearthed previously unseen letters from Mr Wilde to his parents while he signed up to two tours of Vietnam during the hight of the offensive, 1968. Totally wild and improbable right? Well. For anyone who watched Sapphire and Steel or Twin Peaks can attest to… sh*t gets weirder. Before anyone else can get their hands on this piece of unique history, we are showcasing them exclusively here. For your delicate ear. Get into the mind of how a man as majestic as this can field strip a rifle while under enemy fire and bonding with his fellow grunts.